Delivering God’s Great Love Through a Wheelchair

By |Published On: March 17, 2023|Categories: Wheels For The World|
Samantha sitting in her new wheelchair smiling at the camera with her little pink-rimmed glasses on.

“Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”

1 Corinthians 13:7-8

Samantha has muscular dystrophy and scoliosis. The curvature of her spine is so severe that it has caused a malformation on the left side of her ribs. She lives in Guadalajara, Mexico with her grandfather and his partner, Sandra, who serves as her primary caregiver.

Samantha and her caregiver, Sandra, hugging as Samantha sits in her new wheelchair, both smiling wide.

Because of her physical disability, Samantha needs ongoing, complex care. When she was very young, Samantha didn’t get the level of care she needed. Her biological mother, overwhelmed by the demands of disability, couldn’t provide for her daughter.

Now, while Samantha’s grandfather and Sandra seek to give Samantha everything necessary to thrive, they couldn’t afford a wheelchair.

The World Health Organization states that 90% of people worldwide don’t have access to the mobility equipment they need. Among under-resourced communities and families, the lack is even greater.

Without a wheelchair, Samantha often got cooped up at home, missing out on time with peers, the opportunity to attend school, and the possibility of attending church. Then a Wheels for the World™ outreach in Guadalajara changed life for Samantha and her family.

“I don’t want Samantha to have to be at home all the time. Thanks to this wheelchair, I can take her outside,” says Sandra.

As Wheels for the World therapists and mechanics worked to ensure that Samantha’s new wheelchair fit well, they told her and Sandra about the perfect love of Jesus—love that always protects, always perseveres, and never fails. Samantha listened intently as her heart received the Good News of God’s great love!

Sandra and Samantha clearly see the Gospel every time they look Samantha’s wheelchair, and they overflow with gratitude.

“Thank you for your help and your hospitality! This is going to help us both!” says Sandra.

How can you make a difference?

You can help Joni and Friends change lives. Your partnership will deliver hands-on, Christ-centered help to people who wouldn’t otherwise receive the equipment they need, or the eternal source of hope found in Jesus.

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed!”

Proverbs 11:25

Take action to make a difference today!

  • Give to Wheels for the World! Your financial support will meet physical and spiritual needs, now and for good.
  • Donate a manual wheelchair or other used mobility equipment!
  • Apply to volunteer at a Wheels for the World outreach!

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