Reading Hard Stuff

By |Published On: July 14, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

Bible ReadingSome parts of the Bible are really hard to read. It’s okay to think that. Even grown ups who have studied the Bible for years and years sometimes think that! If you are reading the Bible chronologically with Joni and Ken, you are right in the middle of some really hard things. Today’s reading is from the book of Micah. Some awful things are talked about. People dying. People hurting others in really mean ways. It can get pretty scary to read it all. It can be the same way when you see the news on television or hear grown ups talking about what is happening in the news. There are some really scary things in the news.

But that is why it is so important to keep reading the Bible. When we read the Bible, we can see how God stayed close to His people even when really bad things happened. We can learn from the Bible how God wants us to keep on loving others and doing the right thing even when it doesn’t seem to make any difference. So keep reading the hard parts of the Bible! Even if you don’t understand it all or get a little scared reading it, look for the parts that talk about God being close and helping His people. If you remember to look for ways God is with you, no matter what bad or scary things you hear, you can always stay strong.

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