Practical Help for People with Disabilities
Having a disability can be very challenging. If you know someone affected by disability, there are many practical ways you can bless them, some of which are listed below:
Practical ways you can help:
1. Take your friend on an outing. Take them to lunch or a movie and spend some time together.
2. Bring food. It doesn’t have to be homemade, just make sure you ask ahead if your friend has any food allergies. You can also help your friend with groceries and/or grocery shopping.
3. Play card games, board games, or video games. Some games require the use of hands, others only your voice. Regardless, make sure the game is accessible for your friend and appropriate for his/her age.
4. Rent a movie to watch together. Check to see that the video format is compatible with the device your friend has. If not, bring along your laptop or a portable video player.
5. Help with yard work or housecleaning. Most people appreciate a well kept yard, garden, and house. If you are not able to assist in this area, think about helping your friend cover the cost of a professional housecleaning/gardening service or ask a neighbor.
6. Offer transportation for your friend his/her children. Consider offering regular help with transportation to doctor’s appointments, shopping trips, etc. If your children attend the same school or a nearby school, offer to assist with picking up/dropping of your friend’s children.
7. Bring library books, and take them back when they are due. You can also purchase a gift card for your friend to read e-books.
8. Help find community resources that assist people with disabilities. Go online and search for local nonprofits, organizations, or other resources for your friend. You can help make phone calls or drive your friend to the various locations, but just printing out the information can be helpful, too.
Do you have any other suggestions or helpful hints for blessing people affected by disability? Let us know in the comments!