Not Why, But Who

By |Published On: December 21, 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|

Why Bad Things Happen bookletWhy does the moon look different at times? Why didn’t it snow last winter? Why are there holes in donuts? Kids like to ask a million questions. Some are easy and funny, and some are hard, like, Why did my Daddy lose his job? Maybe you have a younger brother or sister that is always asking questions. Or, are you the curious one? Asking questions helps you to learn and understand things. Joni gets a lot of questions about why she is in a wheelchair. Sometimes kids ask, “Why does God let bad things happen?” To help answer, Joni wrote a booklet that explains the why, the how, and especially the who. Joni wants to make sure kids understand that God doesn’t mind when you ask questions, especially when times are tough. But most of all, she wants to make sure that kids know that no matter how bad things seem, God always loves them. If you have unanswered questions contact us at Kids’ Corner for a free copy of Joni’s booklet.   

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