Mother’s Day Grace

By |Published On: May 8, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

Mom and kidsMother’s Day is coming. Everywhere you go, people are telling you what to give your mom to show her you love her. It can be a little overwhelming! Should you make breakfast for her or buy her a pretty necklace? Design a fancy card or write a poem? How can you get a card or gift big enough to say “Thank you” and “I love you” to your mom? How can you be good enough and kind enough on one day to make up for all the other days when your mom cares for you? You can’t! One day a year can’t make up for the other 364 days. This is the way it is with God’s love and care for us. He has loved us from before the world was created and will love us forever and ever. Even if we live until we are 114 years old, and we love God every day of our life, we can never make up for how much God has loved us and sacrificed for us. That is why grace is so important! Grace means that we don’t have to make things even. God gives His love to us because that’s who He is. Our moms do “mom things” for us because that is who she is. But does that mean we never say “thank you” or never try and do kind things back? No! Ephesians 6:2 says, “Honor your father and mother” and many times the Bible reminds us to put God above everything else. So what do we do on Mother’s Day? We do our best to show Mom we love her, but we also remember grace. We don’t have to do everything perfectly. That will help all of us to have a happy Mother’s Day!

; border: 5px solid thistle; margin-right: 15px;” title=”Mom and kids” src=”” alt=”Mom and kids” width=”200″ height=”200″ />Mother’s Day is coming. Everywhere you go, people are telling you what to give your mom to show her you love her. It can be a little overwhelming! Should you make breakfast for her or buy her a pretty necklace? Design a fancy card or write a poem? How can you get a card or gift big enough to say “Thank you” and “I love you” to your mom? How can you be good enough and kind enough on one day to make up for all the other days when your mom cares for you? You can’t! One day a year can’t make up for the other 364 days. This is the way it is with God’s love and care for us. He has loved us from before the world was created and will love us forever and ever. Even if we live until we are 114 years old, and we love God every day of our life, we can never make up for how much God has loved us and sacrificed for us. That is why grace is so important! Grace means that we don’t have to make things even. God gives His love to us because that’s who He is. Our moms do “mom things” for us because that is who she is. But does that mean we never say “thank you” or never try and do kind things back? No! Ephesians 6:2 says, “Honor your father and mother” and many times the Bible reminds us to put God above everything else. So what do we do on Mother’s Day? We do our best to show Mom we love her, but we also remember grace. We don’t have to do everything perfectly. That will help all of us to have a happy Mother’s Day!

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