How to Pray

By |Published On: August 9, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

the lord's prayerHave you ever been asked to pray at dinner but didn’t know what to say? Did you feel like you had to sound really smart so people knew you loved God? Well, in Matthew 6, Jesus tells us exactly how to pray! In Jesus’ time, there was a group of people called Pharisees. They prayed long, fancy prayers with a bunch of big words. Jesus tells us the Pharisees prayed that way because they wanted people to think they were extra spiritual. But that’s the opposite of why we should pray! We should pray because we love God and want to be closer to Him. And it’s so easy! Just talk to Him like you’re talking to someone you love very much. He is our Heavenly Father after all! In fact, Jesus gave us an example of how to pray that you can see here. So the next time someone asks you to pray at dinner, you’ll know exactly what to say!

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