A Good Filter

By |Published On: January 11, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

young girl thinkingHave you ever seen your parents change the furnace air filter at your house? Every few months they probably take out old dirty, gray filters and replace them with new clean white ones. Filters catch the dust and dirt to help keep the air clean. Do you know the Bible tells us that we should have filters for our thoughts? It’s true! Philippians 4:8 explains how Christians can keep the dirt and yuck out of our minds. The verse says that we should think about things that are “true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable… things that are excellent and worthy of praise “ (New Living Translation). We only need to focus on true, good thoughts and push all other thoughts out of our minds! Just like breathing clean fresh air can keep us healthy, filtering your thoughts can help you feel better, too. The next time you are thinking a bad or angry thought, stop and think of a happy memory or your favorite place that makes you want to smile instead.  

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