A Fish on a Hook

By |Published On: June 28, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

A Fish on a HookYou can’t catch a fish with just a hook. You need some bait, too! A worm, a fly, or some other bait that looks like tasty food to a fish—that’s the only way you are going to get a fish to take a bite.

Did you know Satan tries to get us to think something looks good when it really isn’t? When we try and get it, we get stuck, just like a fish on a fishhook. When we lie because we don’t want to get in trouble or when we take something we know we aren’t supposed to have, we think we are going to get something good. But we are wrong!

So don’t be like a fish. Don’t get tricked into doing something that will get you hurt! And if you already did get caught, ask Jesus to help you right away!

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