The Butterfly

By |Published On: August 11, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|


Don’t you just love butterflies? God often uses his creation to remind us of His love and care. The book of Proverbs tells us lots of times to learn from God’s creatures. One time Joni learned an important lesson from a butterfly. She was camping with her family and couldn’t go on one of the hikes. She had to stay by herself and she was pretty lonely and sad. Then she saw a butterfly! The wind was strong and the little butterfly seemed to be struggling so much. That’s when Joni remembered God loved her. God used the butterfly to tell Joni that He knew where she was and how lonely she felt. Butterflies are special to Joni for another reason. Just as a caterpillar starts a new life when it becomes a beautiful butterfly, we can be changed into something very beautiful when we start our new life in Christ Jesus. That is why Joni drew this picture of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. Have you asked God to give you a new life in Christ?

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