An Ambassador

By |Published On: January 21, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

Justin on a Wheels for the World outreach“I’m just a kid. I can’t do the really important stuff.” S-T-O-P. Stop! If you ever catch yourself thinking this, stop! Then think about Justin. Justin uses a wheelchair and his disability means he can’t talk, but that doesn’t keep him from wanting to share God’s love with others. Justin does this so well that people have given him a nickname: Ambassador of Smiles. An ambassador is a person who is sent somewhere to represent someone else. Justin uses his great, big, happy smile so well that people know he is representing God’s love and joy! He’s even traveled to another country to give his smiles and cheer families with the joy he has in Jesus. There may be a lot of things you can’t do while you are still a kid… you can’t fly an airplane for missionaries and you can’t be president, but you can be an ambassador of smiles like Justin!

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