The Joni Book: An Unforgettable Story!
Each of us has a story, and God seems to always be adding chapters to mine. Up until age 17, my life journey was for the most part uneventful. But that chapter ended when, in the summer of 1967, I took a reckless dive into shallow water.

It was a fateful dive that completely altered everything, taking my story in an entirely different direction. At first, when doctors told me I would be a quadriplegic, I sank into a deep, dark depression.
But God was not finished writing my life-script.
Thankfully, he moved on the hearts of Christian friends to pray for me and, eventually, I began to take a closer look at the Bible to see what exactly God had to say about my circumstances. I learned that the God of the Bible is not sometimes sovereign. He does not occupy the throne one day and vacate it the next. He is supremely in charge, often in ways we cannot understand, at least this side of eternity.

But as we trust him, the ways of God become plain. And so do his purposes.
I began to see some of those purposes when in late 1974, Barbara Walters interviewed me on The Today Show. Preparing for my appearance on national TV, I knew it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to not only show my artwork, but to explain to millions of Americans how God miraculously brought me out of depression. Little did I know that one of those of viewers was Al Bryant, the vice president of Zondervan Publishing Company. Virtually the next day, he contacted me to ask if I would be interested in writing a book about my story.
Would I be interested in sharing my testimony with thousands of readers?
You can guess my answer. Or even better, you can read it! I mouth-wrote this letter in response to his question. And, a little over a year later, Joni: An Unforgettable Story hit the shelves. When I first wrote the Joni book, I never imagined that God would take its message around the world to places as far away as central Europe, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia – and oh how it humbles me! Now, more than 45 years later, over 5 million copies of Joni are in print in nearly 50 languages. It still takes my breath away when I receive letters from readers, especially young ones here in the United States.
God’s purpose behind my diving accident is now clear to me.
He took a reckless, foolish teenager who thought her life was over and convinced her of the all-surpassing power and hope found only in Christ – he’s using that story to inspire and encourage millions of readers and thousands of people with disabilities around the world. All so that they might be convinced of Christ’s hope. That alone is worth decades of life in a wheelchair.
And there are new chapters to add to the story! The Joni book has just been rereleased in a 45th anniversary edition; I had a chance to include a new section in the back which unfolds more details of the script God continues to write in my life. I also chose many different photos from over the years to include in this special anniversary edition. It really showcases many of God’s purposes in our suffering, especially for my broken neck and lifelong quadriplegia. Honestly, my hope is that this new edition will entice many more people to explore the rich fullness that can be found in Jesus Christ, even in the middle of great suffering.
If you know of someone, especially a younger person who “hasn’t been introduced to Joni,” consider giving them this 45th anniversary edition of the Joni book! Every purchase you make from Joni and Friends helps us reach the many people with disabilities who suffer in dark, back bedrooms around the world, feeling isolated, alone, and abandoned. Oh, to be able to reach them with the hope of Christ!
Today you probably aren’t trying to make sense of quadriplegia, but I bet there are other things you can’t understand about God’s purposes in your pain. If so, let my story enrich the story of your own life and help you to remember that the difficult season in which you find yourself may puzzle you, but it does not bewilder God. Psalm 33:11 assures that he can and will use it for his purpose.
But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever,
the purposes of his heart through all generations.
Psalm 33:11
–Joni Eareckson Tada
Celebrating God’s Faithfulness for 55 Years
Join us in celebrating the 55th anniversary of Joni’s diving accident and God’s faithfulness in using her story to share hope with millions of people around the world.
Joni: An Unforgettable Story
Joni Eareckson Tada’s earnest struggle to find hope has resonated with millions of people facing all types of challenges and helped them overcome their own limitations with a determined smile. Filled with practical insights, her story reveals the power of God’s love to transform, as well as the triumph of faith over pain and suffering.