Pray with Us, Joni and Friends Employees Pray Together

“Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing Psalms.”

—James 5:13

Prayer and Praise

We invite you to join us in prayer for our ministry activities and outreaches.
Thank you for bringing our requests before the Lord.

Download July 7 – July 13 prayer points below.

Sunday 16 – Praise God for our International Country Coordinators who display such love and passion for their work. Ask God to bless them with good health, continued favor with churches and local governments, and energy to meet the needs of those living with disabilities in their areas.

Monday 17 – Pray for our Family Retreats this week in Northern California, Oregon, Michigan, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and Texas. Ask God to bring peace to any volunteers who may feel apprehensive or inadequate for their role. May he fill them with a confidence based in their knowledge of who they are in Christ.

Tuesday 18 – Praise God for our team of interns from Shepherds College as they serve in Brazil. Pray that these young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities will cause others to rethink their assumptions as they witness the students exhibit their spiritual gifts in serving the Body of Christ.

Wednesday 19 – Many of our Family Retreat attendees live with medical fragility connected to their disability. Pray against any medical emergencies at our Family Retreats.

Thursday 20 – A volunteer team leaves today for a Wheels for the World wheelchair distribution in Manila, Philippines. Ask God to open the hearts of those who will receive mobility equipment. Pray for churches to actively seek to welcome and disciple these families.

Friday 21 – Pray for God’s provision in each of our open positions. May he bless Joni and Friends with a complete staff of servant-hearted leaders who love him.

Saturday 22 – Ask God to grant us creativity and insight to build connectedness with our volunteers across time zones and countries. Pray that the words of 1 Peter 4:11 characterizes all our efforts through our volunteers: “If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.”

Sunday 23 – This week we are hosting a training in Slovenia using our Beyond Suffering curriculum. Pray for church leaders who attend to be captured by the vision for care and inclusion of people living with disabilities in their communities. Ask God to provide our team with safe travels and good health.

Monday 24 – This week we have Family Retreats in Nevada, Alabama, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, and Texas. As temperatures heat up and several fires contribute to poor air quality, pray for protection during outdoor activities. Ask God to bring forth a rich harvest from these retreats.

Tuesday 25 – Praise God for each of the camps and retreat centers that have partnered with us to provide food, lodging, and accessible activities for our Family Retreats. Pray that the witness of Joni and Friends will be a sweet testimony of God’s love and grace for his people.

Wednesday 26 As part of our culture to Lead Like Jesus, our staff participates in the Biblical DISC assessment to learn more about using our God-given behavioral style to develop loving relationships as God designed us to do. Ask God to bless each of the recent hires who will receive training on Biblical DISC this summer. Pray that the assessment will provide helpful insights for each person.

Thursday 27 – Ask God to provide wisdom and discernment as we consider the best way to connect with ministry recipients to hear stories and testimonies of what God has accomplished through our ministry.

Friday 28 – Tomorrow is our Evening of Hope event in Serbia. Praise God for the 110 volunteers who have registered to attend. Pray this celebration event will provide increased awareness throughout the country for welcoming people with disabilities into churches and community life.

Saturday 29 – Praise God for our Area Team volunteers who have committed to long-term positions supporting our local area offices as well as our international teams. Ask God to continue to build out these volunteer teams with individuals showcasing a broad diversity of spiritual gifts.

Sunday 30 – Praise God for allowing two new roles within the Joni and Friends leadership structure that will better serve the organization as we continue to grow. Ask God to continue to give our leaders wisdom as Joni and Friends looks ahead to the future.

Monday 1 – This week we have our third Texas Family Retreat of the summer. Pray against exhaustion for volunteers and staff members who have been serving each week. Ask God to use every activity and lesson to encourage, refresh, and strengthen each attendee.

Tuesday 2 – During the next four days, American servicemen and women who have visible and invisible injuries as a result of military service will gather during our New Mexico Warrior Getaway. Pray this serves as a safe space for respite, spiritual renewal, and healing for these families as they fellowship with others facing similar difficulties.

Wednesday 3 Today Ken and Joni celebrate 42 years of marriage. Praise God for sustaining them both throughout the years. Ask God to continue to use their example to encourage other husbands and wives whose marriages include disability.

Thursday 4 – Praise God for the three people in Armenia who came to Christ during the International Family Retreat. Pray that their roots will sink deep into fertile soil, hearing and understanding like Jesus spoke of in the parable of the soils (Matthew 13).

Friday 5 – We have a Wheels for the World team serving in Lima, Peru for the next week. Pray for the wheelchair recipients and their families. Ask God to reveal himself to these families through this outreach so they will come away with a deeper understanding of his love and goodness.

Saturday 6 – Pray for the details to come together for several events and summits planned for this fall. As the speakers prepare their presentations, ask God to guide their hearts and minds.

Sunday 7 – Joni’s schedule this summer is very busy. Pray for her health and stamina as she serves the Lord through her writing and in her work at the ministry.

Monday 8 – This week our second Ohio Family Retreat of the season begins. Pray for families as they arrive and settle into their room at the retreat site. Ask God to quickly bond each volunteer with the families they serve.

 Tuesday 9 – Together with a local church, we are hosting a Halftime Respite this evening in Washington. Praise God for the opportunity this provides for children with disabilities to experience a small bit of independence from their parents while enjoying fun activities with friends and trained volunteers.

Wednesday 10 Praise God for the opportunity to create gift products to support our work using Joni’s art. Pray each piece allows Joni’s artwork to impact others in new ways and in new generations.

Thursday 11 – We will be fitting wheelchairs and other mobility equipment in Ghana over the next week as part of our Wheels for the World ministry efforts. Ask God to open the ears of each person who will hear the gospel message. Pray that the demonstration of God’s love through the efforts of our volunteers and in-country partners will soften their hearts to receive the Good News.

Friday 12 – Pray for the Holy Spirit to work among church leaders to move their churches forward in becoming increasingly welcoming to people with disabilities, inviting them to connect, worship, grow, and serve.

Saturday 13 – Joni and Friends has been invited to participate in the Symposium for Disability and Ministry at Western Theological Seminary today. Pray that this international conference will encourage ministry workers both in person and virtually.

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