Sunday Reflections…
Whenever I study the Bible, I always like to keep a commentary nearby — recently I needed one while reading through the book of Exodus which described the construction of the Tabernacle. The drawings in the commentary, though, made the Brazen Altar look so shiny, neat and tidy. Ken and I remarked that the altar (and the steps leading up to it) actually must have been a bloody mess. After all, the blood of sacrificial animals was poured on the horns of the altar and around its base. I’m sure the priests couldn’t help but get blood all over themselves and their garments. It sounds awful, but remember, it’s an altar of sacrifice. And you know what? All that blood was a foreshadowing of the final sacrificial altar: the cross on Calvary where Jesus, the Priest, offered his own blood. Today, on Sunday, reflect with me on the gory, bloody, yet precious cross. It’s where Jesus paid an awful, yet beautiful price for you and me.