Serve The Lord

By |Published On: April 12, 2019|Categories: Inspiration, Stories|

“It’s very important to be involved. We enjoy it and we love to serve the Lord so much.

When I started on my first day it was very special because I got to meet Joni and I said, “wow, she is really fun.” Mr. Ken was really fun, too!

Joni means so much to me and her story. She explained so much about herself to me and that was very touching. I connect with her story so much and that’s how I got so involved with Joni and Friends.”

Shelby Donlon

Shelby has been volunteering with Joni and Friends for 3 years and is a shining light here at our HQ. When asked what is special to her about volunteering at Joni and Friends, Shelby shared, “it’s so much joy, and it’s so fun!”

We can’t say thank you enough to our fantastic volunteers. Your enthusiasm to share your love for God as well as your talents so that the gospel goes forward into communities around the world is such a blessing.

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Joni and Friends volunteers make 98% of our ministry programming happen! Join us to bring hands-on help and Gospel hope to people with disabilities, at home and across the globe. Find your opportunity to make a difference.

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