A Gift With The Future In Mind
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
-2 Corinthians 9:7-8
We are always moved by the generosity of our Joni and Friends community who answer Christ’s call to change the lives of people living with disabilities. Friends just like you take this commitment to a whole new level when you step into partnership with us to provide the hope of the Gospel and practical resources to the next generation of people impacted by disabilities. Such is a dear friend we have in Wen Ling Chin who decided to name Joni and Friends as a beneficiary on her retirement plans.
Wen Ling, a friend of our San Francisco Bay Area Ministry, has been partnering with Joni and Friends for the past twenty years. She first became aware of the ministry when she attended various conferences where Joni Eareckson Tada was a featured speaker. According to Wen Ling,
“Joni’s words of inspiration and encouragement always stood out to me, more so than the other speakers, because I could see that her path of suffering truly drew her heart close to God.”
Wen Ling has always had a heart to serve people who are vulnerable, downtrodden, and so often forgotten. For her, partnering with Joni and Friends was definitely a God-inspired call to action. Wen Ling shared,
“Caring for my own mom who became a wheelchair user following her third stroke in 2008 only deepened my compassion for the disabled community.”
When asked how she made the important decision of naming Joni and Friends as a beneficiary on her retirement plans, Wen Ling humbly disclosed,
“When I retired, I began to think and pray about my life and legacy and what God wanted. My decision was based on the guiding principles I found in Scripture. God asks us to be good stewards. Since it all belongs to Him, anyway, it’s important to look at the things God cares about and honor what He wants.”
She added,
“Designating Joni and Friends as a charitable beneficiary on my retirement plans is not only a quick and easy way to make a lasting impact but it also a practical, tax-wise decision. Giving this way does not impact my current budget and it will reduce the income tax my surviving family members would incur since the residue would go directly to Joni and Friends. I can still provide for my loved ones through my other assets. After twenty years of prayerfully partnering with this ministry, I am convinced of the longevity and health of the organization and the commitment of the staff to continue the work and mission of Joni and Friends.”
Wen Ling’s decision to leave a legacy beyond her lifetime to change the lives of future generations of people living with disabilities is the epitome of investing her heart and her treasure in His eternal kingdom; her gift is given with the future in mind.
To learn more about the ease, flexibility and benefits of this important choice of naming Joni and Friends as a beneficiary on your IRA/retirement plan, life insurance policy, or commercial annuity; or to request your free guide to Beneficiary Designations: Three Easiest Ways to Leave Your Charitable Legacy, please visit joniandfriends.org/beneficiarydesignations or contact our team at [email protected] or call (818) 575-1770.