Rescue The Perishing

By |Published On: July 14, 2020|Categories: 4-Minute Radio Program|
A view from above a mountain range with the sun setting behind it and a forest in the foreground.

Hi, I’m Joni and my friend Shauna Amick listens to Joni and Friends!

SHAUNA: That’s right!

JONI: I’m so glad you do, Shauna. I guess I said something recently on the radio that really touched you. SHAUNA: Well, you sure did. You told a story about your friend Beverly. And it inspired me because one, Beverly gave us an example of what a true ambassador for Christ looks like. But the part that I really was touched by was a story she would tell during her Bible study.

JONI: Yeah, okay. Well, let me bring our audience up to speed. Beverly grew up on a sheep ranch and she told the story of how when twin lambs were born, the practice was to kill the smaller one so the other twin could be nurtured by the mother sheep alone and thus be stronger. But the killing of those baby little lambs broke Beverly’s heart, so she’d rescue them and care for them herself. What a story that was.

SHAUNA: Well, for sure. And I know that what you shared is that the other folks in her Bible study, when they heard that story, certainly they were outraged; they were on the edges of their seats. Even today, I’m sure plenty of folks would feel equally outraged when they hear stories of the slaughter of innocent lambs. But, you know, today’s program is not about the killing of twin sheep; it’s about human babies.

JONI: You’re absolutely right. You know, we’ve heard stories of mothers aborting one of their twins once they learn that the baby has Down syndrome. Their intent is to have a selective abortion which would allow the other twin, the baby without Down syndrome, to survive.

SHAUNA: That’s right. And of course, we understand that it’s heartbreaking all on its own, just to abort any baby. But sometimes, of course, Joni, what happens is the doctor aborts the wrong baby.

JONI: Really?

SHAUNA: He kills the baby without disabilities by accident. And you know what blows my mind is what seems to outrage society is not that any baby was aborted, but that the wrong baby was aborted. The Bible tells us we’re all created equally in the image of God. So then I always ask, why shouldn’t people be equally outraged regardless of which twin was aborted?

JONI: Oh, that’s such a good point. Listen to this quote from the Herald Sun, an Australian newspaper: “It’s interesting that the killing of an unwanted child with special needs in the womb is regarded as normal whilst the killing of a wanted normal child is seen as a tragedy and worthy of international news coverage. And yet if the abnormal baby had actually been born, doctors would presumably have done everything possible to provide what treatment or care they could. Of course, if the second ‘normal’ child had also been unwanted then the story would not have warranted a mention. Abortion of unwanted normal babies takes place over 40 million times every year around the world.” Whoa, what an article.

SHAUNA: I know, what a number, huh? And that article was written after the wrong baby was aborted in a case in Australia. It was called a horrible tragedy that the baby without disabilities was aborted, but the true tragedy is that any baby is aborted. And in that case, well after the fatal mistake, the babies’ mother aborted her other twin, as well.

JONI: Oh, how sad. We can even learn more, can’t we?, on this issue. So, go to to download our one-page abortion brief, and please, remember to pray. Pray for the couples receiving a prenatal diagnosis of disability; pray for a change in our culture; pray for life! Go to and then pray for opportunities to speak up on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves. Especially those twins in the mother’s womb.

And one more thing – we at Joni and Friends would love to pray for you and your troubles. So, share with us your prayer need today at God bless you today and thanks for listening to Joni and Friends!

© Joni and Friends

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