Safe Travels, Ken! 

By |Published On: July 20, 2019|Categories: Joni's Posts|

If my hands worked, I’d be double-checking my husband Ken’s packing right now. Not that he needs it! He’s on his way to Thailand today, and he’s an old hand at international travel… especially when it’s with Wheels for the WorldAlthough the flight to Bangkok is a little too far (and too high an altitude) for me, Ken Tada can go to represent us both (he does a much better job of handling screwdrivers and table saws than I do)!  

I’ve lost track of how many times he’s hopped on a plane with a suitcase full of tools. And since he usually volunteers as a wheelchair mechanic (He can’t help but know a lot about wheelchairs after being married to me for 37 years!), he’s got quite the technique for getting a saw, a set of wrenches and who knows what all else into his luggage. 

No, there’s no reason for me to be looking over his shoulder as he packs. A far better use of my time is to spend it in prayer for him and the entire team. He’s asked me to pray for lots of opportunities to not only work on wheelchairs, but to share the love of Jesus Christ with kids with disabilities. They really have his heart, such as this little guy in Cuba. 

Not only does this team have the usual seating specialists, mechanics, and support personnel (we team up with local churches who provide the on-one-one sharing of the gospel in the language of the recipients), but this trip will also be a “ministry first” for several of our Joni and Friends interns and the new Joni and Friends President and COO, John Nugent. Proverbs 14:31 says that, “whoever is kind to the needy honors God” and I’m delighted Ken is honoring God through his servant’s-heart for those with special-needs! 

Ken arrives in Thailand on Sunday, July 21. On July 22, he will take part in a special dinner with the leadership at First Baptist Church of Chang Mai. From Tuesday, July 23 to Friday, July 26 Ken will be working on wheelchairs, assisting the PTs and OT’s, serving the families, and filming. It’s sure to be an incredible time of seeing God work through the servant-heartedness of these team members. I’m looking forward to hearing all the ways they see God’s hand in their journey! And until then, I’ll be praying. Join me, won’t you? 

Ask God to glorify his Son, Jesus, through Joni and Friends’ coordinated outreach in Thailand this month. Ask the Lord to pour out his mercy as Thai Bibles are given and the Gospel is presented to disabled children, adults and their family members. Ask for strong backs, solid rest, happy hearts, souls saved, and safe travels. I will miss my husband, but I join you in praying this month that many weary disabled people and their families will find hope in Christ beyond their suffering!

–Joni Eareckson Tada

Joni and Friends Wheels for the World

Wheels for the World provides life-changing mobility along with the hope of the Gospel to people impacted by disability around the world. You can get involved by donating a wheelchair, serving on an international outreach, or giving so that wheelchairs can be restored and sent to someone in need.

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