Let’s Get Going!
“Never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavor; be aglow and burning with the Spirit, serving the Lord. Rejoice and exult in hope; be steadfast and patient in suffering and tribulation; be constant in prayer.”
Romans 12:11-12
Last year’s battle with coronavirus opened my eyes to a war zone that ravages most of the world – especially among people with disabilities. Yes, sequestering made me feel isolated, but every day that same specter suffocates the forgotten and neglected.
Yes, my grocery store wasn’t always well stocked – but overseas, many with disabilities are succumbing to starvation.
Yes, I had a hard time making a doctor’s appointment – but in developing nations, broken limbs go untreated, surgeries are too expensive, and medical care is non-existent.
COVID-19 opened the eyes of all of us at Joni and Friends. I used to say, “People with disabilities are on the bottom rung of the world’s ladder.” But since coronavirus, it’s clear that people with disabilities have been pushed off that ladder.
In a world scrambling for its footing, they’ve been forgotten. Eclipsed by the strong and self-absorbed, they are invisible.
At Joni and Friends, we stand up for these people. We are ratcheting up our resolve to reach and serve the lost and the hurting in the name of Jesus Christ. Personally, I am committing every ounce of effort to “be aglow and burning with the Spirit as I serve the Lord” in 2021 – the desperate needs among the people with disabilities in the world are just too urgent. Please join me in shining the light of Christ more brightly into the kingdom of darkness to chase away fear and hopelessness.
Thankfully, COVID-19 pressed Joni and Friends to come up with innovative and creative ways to rescue wounded and weary people with disabilities and their families. Such ministry makes me boast in the Lord! I am so proud of your Joni and Friends teams for pioneering ground-breaking ministry that exalts the Gospel of Christ while adorning it with deeds of mercy. You can read about this trailblazing ministry in this month’s newsletter… and I know you will join me in lifting praises to God for the amazing way he is reaching the people with disabilities in the world through you and this wonderful ministry.
I am a child of the King, and one day I’ll cast my crown at the feet of Jesus who rescued me through his crown of thorns. Until that day, join me in gathering into that kingdom as many sick and wounded, lame and weary people as we possibly can. Oh friend, join me in zealously serving the Lord to the glory of Christ into 2021… Let’s get going!
-Joni Eareckson Tada

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