A Story I’ve Heard Too Often
A tragedy strikes a family, and people in their church don’t know how to respond.
Oh, they can do a meal train or a special fundraiser, but when the life-altering injury or illness doesn’t go away, church members can feel awkward when it comes to hard times that linger; that don’t get “fixed,” healed or solved. Yet I know many churches who understand how to dig in and help over the long haul. When I broke my neck, there were so many Christians who not only prayed for me and my family, they provided respite, ran errands for my mother, drove me to medical appointments. A few even learned my “overnight” routines so they could sleep-over to give my family a nighttime break. These followers of Jesus were not put off by my wheelchair, leg bag, or “turning” in bed at night. They simply wanted to back-up the Gospel with action.
The difference? The people in my church had a robust understanding of how the Gospel is good news for eternity and for the here and now – especially in the midst of hard times.
It’s why I’m so excited about the new Bible study curriculum for churches that’s now available from Joni and Friends. The Gospel in Hard Times is an eight-lesson study available in both adult and student editions. I was deeply moved by the willingness of young people to grapple with my disability and thus gain answers to hard questions about suffering. I hate to think where I’d be right now, were it not for a few teens who jumped in to apply Gospel truth to my broken neck.
And this is not just a study for teens or just for adults. This study is a great way for a church to develop “staying power” when it comes to helping a family experience the presence of Christ through the dark days of suffering! From the leaders of the church, to small groups both young and old, and even in the children’s ministry, every area of the church will be equipped by this collection of resources.
So, pick up a copy and invite your small group or Sunday school to invest eight weeks as they dig into answers for those hard questions about suffering. Or hey, leave a copy for the elder who oversees your small group ministry. Let’s get more churches trained to journey beside a hurting family when it comes to weathering hard times. No matter how long those times last.
–Joni Eareckson Tada
The Gospel in Hard Times
The Gospel in Hard Times is a small-group study that explores how a loving faith community—one body with many parts—can not only meet our needs, but also help us walk alongside others who are afflicted, disabled, and marginalized. Eight-session study guide with leader’s notes and discussion questions included.