The 5 Love Languages for Parents Raising Children with Special Needs

By |Published On: August 22, 2019|Categories: For the Church, Podcast|

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“The demands of caring for children who have medical conditions, developmental or cognitive delays, disabilities, behavior issues, are on the autism spectrum, or have other special needs can stress marriages to their breaking point.

That’s the bad news. The good news is that care giving parents who know about and implement the love languages say they are a simple and effective way of filling a spouse’s love tank and reinforcing the glue that bonds them together.”

Dr. Gary Chapman

Raising kids is daunting but raising children with special needs often brings a new set of challenges. With days regularly filled with doctor’s appointments, meetings with teachers, handling outside caregivers and therapists, and caring for other children, parents can quickly find themselves depleted and their marriages strained.

But there is hope! Today on the podcast, Crystal is welcoming Dr. Gary Chapman, best-selling author and counselor who developed the 5 Love Languages. Dr. Chapman has counseled numerous parents of children with disabilities, and is sharing how the 5 love languages can help strengthen your family life—whatever your needs.

Listen to his warm advice for protecting your marriage, discovering the love language of each of your children, and showing love to every member of your family even when time, money, and energy is limited. Don’t miss this insightful conversation!

A young Joni and Friends voltuneer hugging a young girl with down-syndrome as they both smile at the camera.

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