You Can Help Solve the Global Mobility Crisis Right from Your Community
More than 75 million people around the world are in need of a wheelchair, but only 10% have access to one.*
During March, Joni and Friends is celebrating Wheelchair Collection Month across the United States! We’re bringing awareness to the worldwide need for mobility and sharing how you can help change a life.
Crystal Keating is sitting down with Elizabeth Kelly who oversees wheelchair collection at Joni and Friends. Elizabeth is sharing how God redeems thousands of broken and discarded wheelchairs every year through the Wheels for the World program, giving life-changing mobility and the hope of the Gospel to people living with disability around the world.
Hear how you can help recycle and redeem wheelchairs right in your community. Whether you are spreading the word, donating a wheelchair, or collecting used wheelchairs in your community, you can make a global impact!
*Statistic from the World Health Organization
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Wheelchair Collection Month
Do you have a wheelchair that’s no longer needed? Donate it to Joni and Friends! A gift of a wheelchair literally lifts someone out of the dirt and into a seat of dignity and opportunity!
Find a local wheelchair drive in your area today.