Coping with a New Normal

By |Published On: November 5, 2020|Categories: Podcast|

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“Be honest with your emotions. Ask for help. A diagnosis is a detour, a change in the map. It’s not the end of the map. It’s a new journey to a different destination.”

Dr. Jay Fine

How do you cope when you are faced with an unexpected diagnosis or a sudden life-altering disability? What do friends and family members need to understand about how their loved ones might be feeling as they learn to live with a new normal?

This week on the podcast Crystal is talking with Dr. Jay Fine, a Christian counselor and psychologist who specializes in working with families impacted by disability. As an adoptive father to 3 children – two living with disability – God has used Jay’s 38 years of practice and personal experiences to provide the hope of Christ and practical tools to many families facing various hardships.

Be encouraged today by his wisdom and advice for adjusting to a new normal when disability is involved. Be inspired to “do something” as you cope with whatever new challenge you might be facing!

A New Normal: Learning to Thrive in Suffering

Life can change in an instant. A car accident. A medical diagnosis. Loss of a job. How can you survive and thrive when your world is shattered? “A New Normal” walks you through the questions you may be asking as you process a long-term trial or a devastating loss. Be encouraged that God’s mercies are new every morning. Your pain is an invitation to know the heart of Jesus and to hope in the restoration that the Lord will work on your behalf.

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