Unlock the Good Life by Giving This Thanksgiving

What is “the Good Life?”
“Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name. But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”
First Chronicles 29:13–14
This Thanksgiving, whether you feast on a golden-brown turkey and bologna stuffing (a Tada household favorite), or skip the traditional fixings; and whether you enjoy a house full of company or face a day of acute loneliness and grief, Christ-centered gladness is available to you. And although it may seem counterintuitive, contagious joy is most often found as you begin giving thanks to God and giving generously to others.
Giving Is the Good Life

As author Randy Alcorn shares on the Joni and Friends Ministry Podcast, the key to unlocking “the good life” (no matter your circumstances) begins with gratitude. Because cultivating a heart of thankfulness naturally prepares you to follow God’s example of generosity.
Randy acknowledges that when you face trials or uncertainty, it can be easy to focus on challenges and overlook God’s provision as the ultimate Giver. This is why the good life must be deeply rooted in gratitude, and acknowledgment that everything you have—time, talents, and treasure—ultimately belong to God. He created you and all you have, and has temporarily entrusted you with your earthly possessions.
Learn to love the things that move God’s heart…
How can you best steward the time and possessions God has given you? Jesus answers this question in his Sermon on the Mount, providing the wisdom you need to make investments that can never be lost:
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:19–21

Jesus makes it clear that earthly possessions won’t last; you will outlive them, or they will outlive you. You can’t keep your things forever, and you can’t take them with you. However, according to Jesus, you can send your treasure on ahead. And that’s by giving of your treasure to others, investing in God’s kingdom, and setting your heart on the things that matter eternally. For example:
- Help a disabled person by volunteering with Joni and Friends
- Share the Gospel with someone who doesn’t know Jesus
- Offer a meal to someone who is hungry
By stepping out in faith in ways like these, Jesus says that you store up treasure in heaven. But that’s not the only benefit…
“…It is more happy-making to give than to receive.”

In a world that says happiness comes from getting what you want, Jesus’s claim about happiness in Acts 20:35 may seem counterintuitive. He says that it is more “happy-making” (often translated as “blessed”) to give than to receive. But if you watch a child proudly hand a home-made card to a loved one, the truth shines through—as Randy puts it—”to open up your hands and freely give to help others is the key to a happy life.”
So today, entrust your heart and your treasure to God, the Giver of all good gifts. Cling to Jesus, feasting on his promises and sharing them with others. Because every time you open your hands to give, or go out of your way to serve, you step into the good life now and invest in God’s eternal kingdom.

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