Zhang Xu
Dr. Zhang Xu, a young orthopedic surgeon from the People’s Republic of China, was serving his government in Yemen when he suffered a serious spinal-cord injury in a diving accident which left him a quadriplegic. When he was brought back to Beijing, he was at death’s door. While at the China Rehabilitation Research Center, a Christian Japanese physical therapist (working temporarily at CRRC) gave Zhang Xu a tattered copy of the Joni book. When Zhang Xu read my story, the Holy Spirit began working on his heart – within the next few months (with his mother at his bedside with paper and pencil), he translated the entire book into Mandarin. Shortly afterward, Zhang Xu prayed to receive Christ and was baptized. A house church pastor approved the manuscript and it went to press – it’s a great translation with all the scriptures intact and our Wheels for the World teams now distribute this book on all our wheelchair distributions in China (along with Mandarin Bibles). Zhang Xu was eventually able to get his Master’s degree in Rehab Counseling from San Diego State University – he now leads a thriving disability ministry outreach in his town of Anshan in northern China. We consider this remarkable man a true partner at Joni and Friends, and we believe God will use him mightily to spread the Gospel far and wide to that nation’s 130 million people with disabilities!