Your Prayers Needed…
I realized seconds ago, I need prayer. In fact, my friend just snapped this photo (look at that ‘runaway’ desk!) as I was writing my message for the Wilberforce Award Banquet next week (we fly to DC on Wednesday, March 28). I also need to write 47 more radio programs as we’ll be recording on Monday, March 26. And so, I’m asking for you to pray for me right now… in a big way. I don’t want a time crunch to hamper the Holy Spirit’s guidance as I seek God’s heart for what He would have me to say, whether when receiving the Wilberforce award, or when recording on Monday. In short, I want to keep in step with His Spirit (Galatians 5:25). I know your prayers will open the way for as Phillip Brooks, the hymn writer wrote, “Do not pray for easy lives, pray your life be stronger; do not pray for tasks equal to your powers, pray for powers equal to your task.” And I say Amen to that!