When the News Is Terminal

By |Published On: March 2, 2017|Categories: News|

HeavyWhen Todd Neva saw a neurologist after experiencing weakness in his left arm, he and his wife, Kristin, were blindsided by devastating news: an ALS diagnosis. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a progressive neuromuscular disorder that results in total paralysis and eventual death, usually in three to five years.

In their book, Heavy, you’ll find companions in pain, as well as in joy. An ordinary couple with two young children, once looking ahead to a lifetime of dreams together, Todd and Kristin know how heavy life can get. Their honest story, journeying through the first year after Todd’s diagnosis, shares the perspective of both a person with a terminal diagnosis and a spouse. If you know someone with ALS, this book would certainly resonate with them… I recommend it highly; order them a copy from Amazon!

Purchase Heavy  

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