What’s So Important about Autism?

By |Published On: April 6, 2016|Categories: News|


Autism is a word that is heard more and more these days. That’s because experts say that one out of every 68 kids has autism. If you know 68 kids in your school or Sunday school or even with your cousins or neighbors, chances are you probably know at least one kid with autism. No one knows what causes autism and sometimes what helps one person with autism doesn’t help another person. April is Autism Awareness Month. It’s a great time to learn more and to find ways to love kids with autism. And we’ve got just the stuff to help! You can learn about Autism by reading Samuel’s posts, by going on a Friendship Adventure, and by watching the Joni and Friends TV episode Making Sense of Autism. And what about finding a way to love a kid with autism? Color a picture to give your friend. Even if your friend can’t say thank you, your friendship means a lot!

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