What Can I Say to My Friend?

By |Published On: November 20, 2015|Categories: News|

What Can I Say to My Friend?

Dear Kids’ Corner,

My friend just found out she has diabetes. When she’s at school she always has to go to the nurse to get a shot after lunch. She’s not as fun to be around anymore either because she’s always talking about what she can and can’t eat. I wish she could just go back to how she used to be. I feel bad because I know it’s not her fault. What can I do?


Dear Bella,

We’re sorry to hear that your friend has diabetes! That is hard for anyone. There’s a lot to get used to and it can take some time. So don’t give up on your friend! Give her lots of time to figure out what she needs to do to take good care of herself. Be ready to talk about it if she wants to, but remember all of the reasons you became friends and focus on those things instead of diabetes. You can learn more about how to help your friend by watching the Friendship Adventure video about Invisible Disabilities. And thanks for wanting to be a good friend!

If you have a question for Kids’ Corner, write to us at [email protected].

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