Typewriter Art
As a mouth artist, I appreciate works of art — especially those done by others with disabilities. Recently I saw video of a man named Paul Smith who lived with severe cerebral palsy. His joy in life consisted of finding ways to be creative. And for him, that meant “painting” with a typewriter. Due to Paul’s limited mobility, holding a brush or pen with his hands was impossible. But with one finger and just ten symbol keys – such as the @-sign or the #-sign – Paul compiled a portfolio of hundreds of masterpieces, including an astonishing replica of the Mona Lisa. Whenever people looked over his shoulder and told Paul that they could never do what he did, he’d reply, “Maybe not, but what can you do?” Friend, you just have to see one of Paul’s works of art so check out his typewriter art in this heartwarming video. Remember, no matter what your limitation, there is something you can do.