Trumpets, Torches, and Jars

By |Published On: April 2, 2014|Categories: News|

Gideon holding a torchIf you are reading the Bible with Joni, yesterday you read about God calling Gideon to help rescue the Israelites from their enemies. But Gideon was scared. He asked God to prove he heard the message correctly. God didn’t have to, but He was kind to Gideon and gave him proof. Later when God told Gideon to take a teeny-tiny army to fight a great big army, Gideon trusted Him even when it didn’t make sense. God said that trumpets, torches, and jars would be enough to scare the enemy and win the battle! Gideon’s fear made him go to God for courage… fear in the enemy’s army made them lose. Sometimes we can be scared to do what we know God wants us to do. (Stuff like saying “Please forgive me”, or obeying our parents when it isn’t cool, or being kind to someone who is mean.) But if we pray and tell God our fears, He is kind to us! He will help us have the courage to obey and honor Him. Today, make some of your own “jars” to smash and remember that God can use teeny-tiny things to accomplish great big things.

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