Tuesday, August 3rd Update from Joni

By |Published On: August 3, 2010|Categories: News|

Tuesday, August 3rd Update from Joni:

Yesterday, we enjoyed a lengthy session with the integrative oncologist at UCLA — Ken and I now better understand how what I eat (and when) will have an impact on how well I do in chemotherapy. Willow bark… whey… ginger… magnesium… vitamin D3… and the importance of protein in my diet (just to mention a few things), will be key factors in my daily routine; and all of it will lessen those icky side effects. The doctor crowded tons in during our time — at the close, we shared a lot about the work of Joni and Friends and she didn’t seem to mind that we prayed over her and her work. As we drove away, we thanked God that homeopathic/nutritional research is such an integral part of UCLA’s comprehensive approach to dealing with cancer.
Also on our drive home, we checked out all the Joni and Friends’ field reports on my iPhone — I can’t begin to describe how heartening it was to read such Christ-exalting reports from the Family Retreats which were held last week. And lots more are underway this week — join me in praying that hearts will be warmed to the Gospel and that the Holy Spirit will move powerfully in the lives of all disabled people and their families. Also pray that…

  • The doctor and her team will respond favorably to the Christian literature we left
  • that Ken and I can begin to adjust to this new pattern/plan of nutrition
  • that God will prepare my body for chemotherapy starting August 5 (eat lots of protein, Joni)!
  • That those who professed faith in Christ at Family Retreats last week will grow in their walk with Jesus… and that Bible believing churches in their communities will embrace them!
  • God be glorified in all we say and do!