Truth for a New Generation

By |Published On: July 15, 2014|Categories: News|

Joni and Ken at the Supreme CourtThe other day I got into a polite, but earnest argument about the recent Supreme Court ruling upholding the religious liberties of Hobby Lobby’s owners. It was an incredibly important decision safeguarding the religious liberties of us all. But my friend was wearing blinders – to her, the decision infringed on a woman’s reproductive rights. Really? I don’t think so. But in today’s culture, you and I need to be prepared to tackle issues like this one, and others involving religious liberties, sanctity of life, and the institution of marriage. This is why I urge you to register for the upcoming Truth for a New Generation Conference to be held September 5-6 in Spartanburg, South Carolina. I will be speaking with Dr. Ben Carson, Eric Metaxas, Josh McDowell, and more. If you want to equip yourself with a biblical worldview on today’s hotly-contested issues involving life and liberty, this is the conference for you – get all the details at I hope to see you there!

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