Thank You for Praying!

By |Published On: June 12, 2013|Categories: News|

Ken and Joni and her PET ScanOn Tuesday I spent a large part of the day at the radiology clinic for my PET scan — and although this photo doesn’t look it (needles aren’t fun), I was so happy that my wheelchair was able to fit next to the scan. In short, there was plenty of room to lift me onto the table (that hasn’t always been the case). As I was getting scanned, I kept singing “All the Way my Savior Leads Me.” And, of course, Ken was giving “Joni’s Story” tracts to all the staff, encouraging them on and thanking them for their work. So now, we wait for the results — but whatever they are, it’s heartwarming to know that our days are in God’s hands and His will is always perfect!

Pet Scan Results

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