Sunday Reflections

By |Published On: September 15, 2012|Categories: News|

blue lake

Recently, my good friend and Joni and Friends coworker, Mike Yuen, helped guide a group of students on the annual Azusa Pacific University ‘walkabout’ – it’s an 10 day backpacking hike through the mountains of California’s High Sierras. He snapped this photo at sunset above Blue Lake (10,500 feet up with no trail leading to it). That’s Jill, one of the students, singing praise songs and dancing to the Lord. When I saw this photo, I got a lump in my throat. Because one day, in the new heavens and new earth, I hope to join Mike and his team in visiting that same spot in the Sierras (should it survive God’s renovation of this old earth :-). Until then, the God of all hope continues to refresh our spirits and urge us on with scenes like this one, for soon and very soon we will be praising and dancing before Him for all of eternity! Can’t wait to join you there!

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