Sugar, Sweets, and Diabetes

By |Published On: November 5, 2012|Categories: News|

Do you like candy? Do you like licking icing off of cupcakes? Yum, yum, right? But did you know that some kids can’t eat lots of sugar? And it’s not just because their mom or dad won’t let them! Diabetes (say: dy-a-BEE-teez) is when a person’s body can’t turn sugar into the right kind of energy. It can be very scary! The good news is that people with diabetes can take medicine to help their bodies. They also have to be extra careful about what they eat. Before they eat, they check how much sugar is in their blood by poking themselves with a special machine. Sometimes they even have to give themselves shots! (No fun!) This month is a special month to help people learn about diabetes. If you know someone who has this disability, ask them to show you the machine that checks how much sugar is in their blood. And then maybe you could share one of their favorite snacks that help them feel their best! And be sure to watch this video to learn more about diabetes!

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