A Visit from Sladjan and Sara
Sladjan Milenkovic serves as our ministry partner in Serbia (he was key in helping Joni and Friends implement our Beyond Suffering course of study at Belgrade Bible College). Because he has a heart to reach for Christ his countrymen who have disabilities, Sladjan leads our International Family Retreat in Serbia every summer – and what a great retreat it is! Over two years ago Sladjan’s daughter developed a life-threatening cancer; precious Sara came to the states for treatment at St. Jude’s Hospital. So you can imagine how thrilled I was when Sladjan and Sara visited the International Disability Center. And when I learned that Sara loved to paint, I not only gave her a tour of my art studio, but I presented her one of my own favorite paintbrushes! Please join me in praying that God will eradicate cancer in Sara’s body, “For he wounds, but he also binds up; he injures, but his hands also heal” (Job 5:18).