Samuel Koch’s Visit

By |Published On: August 31, 2018|Categories: News|

I just love seeing how God works through our trials, don’t you? It was back in 2010 when stuntman, Samuel Koch, prepared to appear on Germany’s Live Television show “I Bet That” to perform one of the riskiest stunts the show has ever seen. He had planned to ‘vault’ over a fast-moving car, but something went terribly wrong. And there, before a live TV audience, he broke his neck, went limp, and tumbled to the ground.

Such a public tragedy captured the attention of his nation, and it wasn’t too long before I received a request to send a word of encouragement to this young man. Of course, I was only too happy to assure Samuel that many people would be rooting for him through the hard season that followed. But through that season, Samuel turned to the Lord. Someone gave him the Joni book in German and it got him thinking, “If God can use Joni’s accident to such good, why can’t He do the same with mine?”

And now, Samuel loves sharing his testimony. You can imagine how glad I was when, earlier this month, Samuel Koch and his wife came to the International Disability Center here in Agoura Hills. He traveled all the way from Germany to meet with Joni and Friends’ leadership to brainstorm ideas on next steps he can take to help bring the hope of Christ to people with disabilities in his nation. When we parted, Ken and I prayed with them, asking God to guide his next steps. Would you join us in doing the same? Samuel is a well-known voice in his country, so may the Gospel enjoy success through his story!