Sunday Reflections
When you read the Old Testament, you can see how God’s “reward and punishment” covenant worked with His people. If they obeyed, they had military victories, plentiful harvests, and immunity to diseases. But if they disobeyed, there was violence, crime, and famine. Thankfully, in the New Testament, God did away with the reward-and-punishment scheme. In fact, God inspired the apostle to write in James 2:13 “Mercy triumphs over judgment!” Friend, you and I will never be able to obey God perfectly; it’s why Jesus is everything! He bore our judgment, and our only hope is in Him! True, there are consequences when we disobey Him, and God may have to discipline us, but it is never done out of judgment. God disciplines us in mercy and grace. Is there someone to whom you need to extend His mercy today? Forgive others of their trespasses as He has forgiven you. Remember: be merciful, just as Jesus is merciful to you – for His mercy wins over judgment every time.