Remembering Polycarp

By |Published On: November 1, 2015|Categories: News|

Martyrdom of PolycarpThe early Christians took seriously Jesus’ title as Lord, so much so that they gave their lives for the sake of the Gospel. I’m thinking of Polycarp, the 86-year-old Bishop of Smyrna. In A.D. 156, Polycarp was taken custody for refusing to bow and call Caesar “lord.” City officials asked him to recant, reasoning, “What harm could it do to say Caesar is lord and save your life?” It was simple: all Polycarp had to do was say “kaiser kurios” that is, “Caesar is Lord,” and his life would have been spared. But according to early church writings, Polycarp proclaimed, “For eighty-six years I have been Christ’s slave, and He has done me no wrong; how can I blaspheme my King who saved me.” And so, Polycarp bravely went to his death in the Coliseum—a slave of Christ, but more free than any Roman citizen watching him burn at the stake.

Today, how is your faith being put to the test? Perhaps it is that magazine or that friendship at the office or those tax forms that seem to be calling out to you, “Come on, what harm could it do?” Remember, you have been saved—Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords has paid a high price for you. How will you honor your Lord today?

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