Refreshing the Weary

By |Published On: July 1, 2017|Categories: News|

Spa Day

Just about every woman loves a “spa day” with all the trimmings. But mothers of special needs children would be thrilled to simply have an afternoon to themselves! Well, a group of special needs moms recently got the best of both worlds. A local church in our network put on their 5th annual “Spa Day” for foster and special needs moms. Our Joni and Friends volunteers chipped in and had a great time. They lavishly pampered these ladies with facials, manicures, haircuts, delicious food, raffle prizes, and a painting class. The men of the church even got involved, making sure every woman went home in a hand-washed car.

Jeremiah 31:25 says, “I will fully satisfy the needs of those who are weary and fully refresh the souls of those who are faint.” It doesn’t take much to encourage a weary soul, but it makes a huge difference to the one needing the refreshment. Maybe you know someone who could use a little encouragement. Be God’s encouragement to that weary one. If you would like to plan a respite event at your church, we are here to help. You can get started with this great, downloadable resource called, “We’ve Got This.”

Download “We’ve Got This!”  

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