The Real Me

By |Published On: July 21, 2015|Categories: News|

AirplaneI was on a long flight home after a busy trip and my corset (it helps me breathe) was really digging into my hip. No matter what Ken tried to do to make me comfortable, I remained in great pain. Normally it would have been enough to drive me to pray. But not this time. I felt utterly fed up with my disability. Later that night while lying in bed, I thought, That’s not like me to bad-mouth my circumstances… I’m not like that. But then it hit me. I am like that—my pain revealed the true “me.” Suffering always prods and tests us, asking us “Who are you, really?” And it’s good that we realize we are not as faithful, nor prayerful, nor as obedient as we think we are. So today, when your troubles reveal the real you, remember Hebrews 12:15, “See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble.” His grace will inevitably reveal the ‘you’ God wants you to be—the ‘you’ that honors Jesus.