My Quad Friend, Ron…

By |Published On: January 3, 2012|Categories: News|

the huckabee family outside of their homeIt was maybe 10 years ago when I was asked to call a quadriplegic in Texas who had given up on life – Ron had served as a pastor until a motorcycle accident crushed his spinal cord. Now, he was resigned to lying in a dark bedroom, completely depressed. Bev, his wife tucked the phone under his ear, but he only grunted at my encouragements. That is, until I borrowed a line from an old movie, and said, “Ron, there are maybe 15,000 other quadriplegics like us who are wondering right now whether or not it’s worth getting out of bed. For them, it’s either ‘get busy living or get busy dying.’ I’m going to join them in getting busy living today – and I hope you’ll join me, Ron. Because hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things… and no good thing ever dies.” Three months later, a little reticent, he decided to come to Family Retreat with Bev. It changed his life. Jesus became his reason for getting out of bed. Sadly, a few days ago, I learned that Ron went home to be with the Lord. I will miss him (Joni and Friends did a TV episode about him that I’d love for you to watch). A little piece of my heart always accompanies quad-friends who head home to heaven; sometimes, it seems, a little too early. But Ron’s example inspires me still – and I hope you, too, as today you decide to haul yourself out of bed and get busy living for Jesus.

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