Pray for Iraqi Christians!
Like you, I’m heartbroken by the recent turmoil in the Middle East. But while the media has been focusing on the Israeli-Gaza conflict, little attention has been focused on the desperate plight of Christians in Iraq. The Christian community in Mosul, Iraq, is one of the oldest surviving group of disciples — it was established during the first missionary journeys of the New Testament church. Recently, however, Islamic fundamentalists forced the exodus of thousands of Christians, leaving Christianity near extinction in that part of the world. These dear brothers and sisters in Christ have been uprooted from their homes while Islamic soldiers have destroyed their churches, many up to 1,800 years old. Ask God to protect these believers, and keep the Christian faith alive through their testimonies!
Have you seen #WeAreN on Twitter? The #WeAreN hashtag campaign refers to the Arabic letter ن, or “n”, which Islamic State militants have left on some doorways to indicate that the inhabitants are “Nazarene” or Christian.