Pray for Haiti

By |Published On: January 11, 2011|Categories: News|

This week, one year after the devastating earthquake of January 2010, we are lifting up the still-pressing needs of the people of Haiti. I’m so grateful that, in the last 12 months, Joni and Friends has been able to help ‘lighten’ the burden of some of those disabled by the quake. In just a few weeks we will be sending another Wheels for the World team into Haiti with mobility equipment and holding a pastor’s conference to help Christian leaders reach out to people with disabilities – here’s a snapshot of some of the pediatric wheelchairs we’ll be taking to disabled children (like the one this little girl in Ghana is enjoying)!

Girl from Ghana in wheelchair with big smile on her face and arms raise highJoni looking at new pediatric wheelchairs

Last year when we learned the entire roof of Eglise Chretien de Delmas (an evangelical church in Port au Prince) collapsed in the quake, we helped support the construction of a new large steel-framed aluminum roof with earthquake bracing to cover the people gathering for worship. The best part? It’s completely accessible! In February, we’ll take part in a special worship celebration to dedicate the safe, new roof.
Please be interceding as we pray and finish up plans for our next outreach to Haiti February 19-27 (be in special prayer for Greg Barshaw, our team leader, and Dr. Eddy Bazin of Eglise Chretien de Delmas Church). Most of all, ask God to bring about order in all the chaos… and His integrity in the midst of so much government corruption. Bless you for praying for the people of Haiti!

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