Pete Lafferty: A Life Well Lived!

By |Published On: February 24, 2017|Categories: News|

I first met Pete Lafferty and his brother Joey back in the 90’s when they were young teens in their wheelchairs – both had muscular dystrophy, and they had come to our Joni and Friends’ Spruce Lake Family Retreat with their dad and mom, Tim and Joan. I was so blessed by the Lafferty family; it was clear all four loved the Lord Jesus in a big way. 

As the years rolled by, and the boys entered their 20’s, their parents helped establish Joni and Friends in New England. I would see them from time to time at the New England Family Retreat, and I remember how sad I felt when I heard that muscular dystrophy finally claimed Joey’s life. As the years passed, Pete’s faith in Christ seemed to grow stronger. He even took on leadership roles at Family Retreat! Then came the diagnosis of cancer, and Pete knew that his days on earth were numbered. Always the encourager, Pete decided to record a video to be shown at his memorial service – it was a very moving tribute to his parents, Tim and Joan, a thank you to his friends, and a charge to others to accept Christ as Savior. So take a moment to be inspired by the courage of one young man who lived life very, very well… glorifying God wherever and whenever he could!