Overwhelmed by God

By |Published On: March 11, 2014|Categories: News|

Overwhelmed by God bookStephen Mays' xrayActs 14:22 tells us that trials are a part of our lot; they were predestinated for us in Christ’s last legacy. But have you ever felt trials rolling in like waves, one after another, threatening to knock you off your feet? Steve Mays experiences this – just look at all the hardware in his spine from so many surgeries; this man understands pain! But instead of trying to stand strong against his problems, Steve decided to be swept away—not by his troubles, but by God. And he wrote a book about it called Overwhelmed by God. It’s an invitation to lift your tired eyes from the crushing load that leads to despair, and fall into the wonderfully sustaining grace of God. You will be blessed by Steve’s insights, so check out the details on Overwhelmed by God.  

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