Our Big God
Sometimes when I feel fearful of the future, or when I’m discouraged and problems overwhelm, my mind starts focusing on worse-case scenarios. It’s what I get when my faith turns inward – I start looking down, rather than up. Perhaps you do the same. Your problem can so easily become an idol – it’s all we focus on, talking about it endlessly, instead of praying about it and trusting in God’s ability to handle it. You and I have to fight to not look down, but jerk our thoughts upright. We need to remember that our loving Father holds us in His hands, and He is bigger, smarter, more compassionate and more loving than we could possible imagine.
It’s why, in my art studio, I keep a little plaque that reads, “Don’t tell God that you have a big problem, tell your problem that you have a big God.” Do you have a problem that’s screaming for your undivided attention, insisting that you idolize it? Friend, tell that problem that your God is immeasurably bigger than it is. Declare over your situation Deuteronomy 4:35, “…the Lord, He is God; there is no other beside Him.”