Old and Comfy
Amelia loved her wheelchair. It had helped her get around for a long time and she didn’t want to give it up! You can probably understand, except… she was about to get a new wheelchair! Have you ever been like that? Have you ever had an old pair of shoes or sweatshirt or some other thing that you just didn’t want to let go of? It was so comfy! Well, Amelia wasn’t sure she wanted to have a new wheelchair, even when the new one was so much more comfortable and could go faster. But eventually, after wheeling around in her new wheelchair a little more, she decided that maybe it was better after all. It can be okay for us to like something old and comfy like a pair of pajamas. But sometimes it is important for us to forget what is behind us. Philippians 3:13 says, “I forget what is behind me. I push hard toward what is ahead of me” (NIrV). What is ahead of us? The heavenly prize of being with Jesus!