Joni Eareckson Tada to Receive Prestigious NRB Hall of Fame Award
Joni Eareckson Tada will receive the prestigious Hall of Fame Award from the National Religious Broadcasters on February 21st at this year’s NRB Convention. “I know of no better testimony of how Christ’s strength is made perfect through weakness than the life of Joni Eareckson Tada,” said NRB President & CEO Dr. Frank Wright. “Joni has stared suffering in the face and seen the face of Christ. It is our honor and privilege to induct her into NRB’s Hall of Fame.” For more than 25 years, Joni Tada has served as an NRB board member, promoting integrity and excellence of ministry in the field of Christian broadcasting. This year will also mark the 30th anniversary of the “Joni and Friends” radio program, which is aired on 1,100 outlets.