No Talking!

By |Published On: June 12, 2015|Categories: News|

Talking PicturesLet’s play the quiet game! You can’t say any words, but you have to get other people to understand what you want or need. Ready? Go! The quiet game is a fun game to play every once in awhile, but a lot of kids don’t ever have the ability to say the words they want. It can get very frustrating! Sometimes this is what makes kids with autism upset. They know what they want to say…they just can’t say it! That is why a picture board can be a big help. Find a friend or a family member to play the quiet game with you. Then print out this communication board and try again. Did “talking” get easier?

; border: 5px solid thistle; margin-right: 15px;” title=”Talking Pictures” src=”” alt=”Talking Pictures” width=”200″ height=”200″ />Let’s play the quiet game! You can’t say any words, but you have to get other people to understand what you want or need. Ready? Go! The quiet game is a fun game to play every once in awhile, but a lot of kids don’t ever have the ability to say the words they want. It can get very frustrating! Sometimes this is what makes kids with autism upset. They know what they want to say…they just can’t say it! That is why a picture board can be a big help. Find a friend or a family member to play the quiet game with you. Then print out this communication board and try again. Did “talking” get easier?

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